Wednesday, October 29, 2008

When the Media Chooses Who Is To Be President

I am disappointed and shocked at the behavior of the news media today. I wonder now who owns the media. They select who to poll, who's comments to publish, whatever slant to bring to the news, what stories they bring forth, and now it seems...they have decided who will be our President. The favoritism they have brought forth to one candidate, and disapproval of the other makes suspect all of the news they bring us.

As a veteran of Viet Nam, I remember the slant they took there. Reporting the bad and not the good. It seemed to almost all of us that the media poisoned the American public about those of us that served. We were called baby killers and worse, and treated with high disdain. While it was our first living room war, seen on TV every evening, we were not the animals we seemed to be portrayed as. Now in Iraq and Afghanistan we hear and see reports of Americans who have killed civilians, of bombs hitting the wrong targets, and murders by our soldiers. Where are the reports of the good? Where are the heartwarming stories of people saved by Americans and their allies. Where are the videos and reports of what we have built, and helped to build in these countries? I guess only shock, horror and bad news seems to be the SELL.

Sometimes I have to wonder if the media is involved in some outlandish plot to help destroy the United States. I can't believe that, it's a ridiculous notion. Unless... there is a heckova lot of hostile ownership in the news media.

Now they seem to have decided unfair, and unequal reporting is acceptable to sway a Presidential election. I just read an article about Obama flexing his muscle in a thirty minute ad. Another ad saying it was appropriate to slam Governor Palin. There was a spot for comments at the bottom. Enough comments were posted that it took twenty minutes to read. There were only two comments defending Governor Palin. WHAT? That's right; only two. Every where she goes, we see thousands of people cheering her. Where are those people represented in your comments. The media chooses what comments they will publish.

Beyond her obvious intelligence and accomplishments, she is the only one of the three who has governed, and she has done that extremely well. It appalls me that the media is able to endorse one candidate over another. This is an admission of favoring one candidate in preference to another. I don't believe that is appropriate for any news outlet. They cast suspicion on all their reporting. What prevents them from flavoring any story to their taste. NOTHING!

I have heard nothing from any live report about the controversy concerning Obama's legal status to even run for president. It seems to be banned from the live news. Several lawsuits are demanding authoritative proof of his citizenship, but is is noticeably missing from the news. What can be learned must come from research into the subject. I believe the United States can survive even Obama in the White House, but I not sure about about our security when it seems as though almost all the media is demanding the right to lead us. The only media I now trust is FOX news. They at least give equal opportunity to opposing views.


Tripping Buffalo Woman said...

The media is so opinionated, so much into black humor and denigrating vignettes about all who might question the honesty, integrity and eligibilty of the democratic candidate that I am not reading the popular news media or listening to the CNN/MSNBC broadcast, nor am I tuning into PBS, either. Who can you trust? The Creator and his gift of self-preservation and thought!

Your not often political commentator, Tripping Buffalo Woman...

Shawn McManus said...

Several cliches come to mind but most notably:

"Follow the money."

And of course:

"Never obscure a good story with the truth."

(Which should only be applied to war stories / sea stories / and Texas tales.)